Frost flowers were blooming.

 Happy New Year! Here’s my first microscopic photograph of 2025. Can you guess what it is? This is frozen leaf water from a California poppy (Eschscholzia californica). It has formed a flower-like shape. These "frost flowers" weren’t just singular—they appeared in clusters on the leaves. Interestingly, leaf water from other plant species didn’t form flower shapes, so this phenomenon seems unique to the California poppy. There might be a secret in the specific structure of the area where the leaf water forms. It’s fascinating how much you can discover just by observing! Each frost flower measures about 1 mm in diameter. This morning, the temperature dropped to around -7°C, resulting in excellent frost formations. I plan to continue observing frost for a while.

  • Objective Lens: Seiwa M Plan Apo 2.5
  • Camera: Panasonic GH5
  • Camera Lens: Nikon AI AF Zoom-Nikkor ED 70-300mm F4-5.6D

  • Frost on the leaves of a California poppy.
